Kiriman Husain Heryanto
Bismillah wa billah wa-l-hamdulillah,
Bagi mereka yang masih bingung memahami "kerusuhan di Suriah" (bukan "kerusuhan Suriah"), sebagaimana juga saya terkadang alami, artikel Dr. Kevin Barrett berikut mungkin bisa sedikit membantu kita untuk memahami kondisi dan konteks global. Seperti yang saya katakan berkali-kali, isu Suriah ini unik dan sulit dicerna oleh kebanyakan orang. Saya pernah diskusi di kampus hebat dengan 'mahasiswa hebat' tentang isu Suriah ini, hampir semuanya memuji "perjuangan mujahidin melawan pemerintah sekuler" dan semacamnya. Media massa mainstream telah berhasil merekayasa dan menciptakan 'realitas buatan'. Dalam dunia 'hiperreality' sekarang ini, banyak orang yang tak bisa membedakan lagi mana realitas sejati dan mana realitas buatan.
Akan tetapi, sikap dan keputusan resmi yang diambil oleh Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah berjuang bersama rakyat/tentara/pemerintah Suriah merupakan sebuah isyarat yang sangat jelas bagaimana mestinya umat Islam bersikap. Pidato pemimpin Hizbullah pada 25 Mei lalu dalam peringatan Pembebasan Lebanon dari Israel selama lebih dari satu jam dengan sangat jelas memberikan alasan dan tujuan mengapa harus berdiri di samping rakyat/pemerintah Suriah saat ini.
Poin-poin penting yang disampaikan Sayyid Nasrallah itu adalah:
1. Kerusuhan di Suriah bukan konflik sektarian (dan harus disingkirkan kesan ini)
2. Sunni dan Syiah harus bersatu menghadapi kaum Takfiri yang didukung oleh AS-Zionis-Inggris-Perancis dan sekutu-sekutu Timtengnya ASaudi-Qatar-Turki.
3. Kejatuhan pemerintah Suriah saat ini oleh Takfiri akan menjadi bencana bagi rakyat Suriah, Lebanon, Palestina (dan saya kira juga bencana bagi seluruh umat Islam di dunia termasuk Indonesia....itu bisa menjadi pemicu lahirnya Sampang-sampang lain di seluruh wilayah negeri ini).
4. Perlawanan terhadap Takfiri merupakan bagian dari perlawanan terhadap Zionis-Israel dan Barat.
5. Persatuan dan persatuan Islam harus selalu digalakkan
(di Irak, yang mayoritas Syiah dengan pemerintahan Syiah, diadakan Shalat Jumat persatuan di mana Sunni dan Syiah shalat bersama...Imamnya justru ulama Sunni...ini menunjukkan kebesaran jiwa ulama Syiah...dan memang harus demikian.. sudah nasib dan tugas Syiah utk terdepan dalam persatuan Islam sebagaimana dicontohkan oleh para Imam ma'shum)
Nah, artikel berikut ikut memperjelas konteks global yang mestinya para aktivis pahami. "Memahami zaman" adalah salah satu syarat niscaya pemimpin Islam, termasuk kaum intelektual dan aktivis tentunya.
Dalam bahasa filsafat, "waktu" bukanlah dimensi luar, tetapi bagian inheren dari realitas itu sendiri.
By Dr. Kevin Barrett
Israel bombs Syria and threatens Iran. Russia moves its warships into the Mediterranean, and furnishes Syria with advanced anti-aircraft weapons. Hezbollah defends Syria against al-Qaeda. Pro-Israel US Senators like John McCain join forces with al-Qaeda.
What is really going on here? Who is fighting whom, and why? Will Syria become the flash point for World War III?
Is the West attacking the Islamic world in a “clash of civilizations”? Then why are the Israeli and American governments backing al-Qaeda in Syria?
The old narratives no longer make sense.
The real war isn't between nations, civilizations, or religions.
The real war is the bankers' war to conquer the entire world.
In his book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, John Perkins explained how it works. The bankers use their control of currency to impose debt slavery on individuals as well as nations. They force nations to accept loans that are impossible to pay back - by design. The bankers use the resulting bankruptcy and/or “restructuring agreements” to seize control of those nations and their resources.
If a nation's leader refuses to obey the bankers - as in the cases of Venezuela and Iran - that leader, or nation, is put on the bankers' “hit list.” That nation becomes a target for regime change, whether by assassination, coup d'état, a bought or stolen election, or outright invasion.
The bankers use the military and intelligence services of the nations they control to attack and subvert the nations they do not control. They also use their own private armies and intelligence services to subvert all nations.
Thus the war on Syria is not an American war on Syria, an Israeli war on Syria, an al-Qaeda war on Syria, a Qatari war on Syria, a Turkish war on Syria, or a Saudi war on Syria. It is a bankers' war on Syria.
The biggest international banking families exert a relatively high degree of control over the US, Israel, Qatar, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. They have only moderate influence in Syria, Russia, and China. And they have even less influence in Iran. So they are mobilizing their assets in hopes of achieving regime change in Syria. Iran, Russia, and China are next on their hit list.
The bankers are trying to create the first truly global empire. As John Perkins says, their biggest weapon is usury; military force is secondary. They first try to buy a country; if the leadership is not for sale, they try to assassinate or overthrow the leader(s); and if all else fails, they send the US military to invade the target country.
To create their global slave empire, the bankers must also control communications. If their plans were widely-known, people of all nations would revolt.
David Rockefeller spoke the truth at the 1991 Bilderberg meeting in Baden, Germany: "We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
Today, the only major media operations in English that are not owned, controlled, or duped by the bankers are Press TV and Russia Today. Apparently, Iran and Russia do not appreciate being on the bankers' hit list. And they are learning how to fight back - by telling the truth to the whole world. No wonder the banker-owned US and Europe have done their best to shut down Press TV.
The people of the English-speaking world in general, and the American people in particular, need to wake up to the fact that the bankers' war on Syria (and later Iran, Russia, and China) is also a war against them. The bankers are not prejudiced. They want to enslave everyone, regardless of race, nationality, or creed.
Here in the USA, the bankers enslave young people through student loans. If you want access to higher education in the US, and you are not rich, you have no choice but to take out student loans. By the time you graduate, you will be $20,000, $50,000, or even $100,000 in debt. And that debt will keep right on accumulating interest. You will spend half your working life struggling to pay off your loans - and providing the bankers with handsome profits.
The student loan system is a form of indentured servitude. Like indentured servants, who were forced to work as slaves for seven years to pay the cost of their ticket to America, college graduates in America find themselves the slaves of the bankers. Like indentured servants, American college students seek a ticket to freedom and opportunity; and like indentured students, the price of that ticket is years of slavery.
The bankers are achieving ever-higher degrees of control over the USA. They now own both major political parties and all major US media outlets.
But they are afraid of the American people more than any other people. The USA has the world's most powerful educated middle class. If it awakens, it could overthrow the bankers and stymie their plans to eliminate the Constitution, national sovereignty, and the middle class itself.
The Syrian people and the American people are struggling against the same enemy, though few of them realize it.
It is time for people of good will in all nations to unite against the tyranny of the global oligarchs. If the world fails to rise up in revolt, we will all find ourselves working on the bankers' global slave plantation.

Kiriman Husain Heryanto
Bismillah wa billah wa-l-hamdulillah,
Bagi mereka yang masih bingung memahami "kerusuhan di Suriah" (bukan "kerusuhan Suriah"), sebagaimana juga saya terkadang alami, artikel Dr. Kevin Barrett berikut mungkin bisa sedikit membantu kita untuk memahami kondisi dan konteks global. Seperti yang saya katakan berkali-kali, isu Suriah ini unik dan sulit dicerna oleh kebanyakan orang. Saya pernah diskusi di kampus hebat dengan 'mahasiswa hebat' tentang isu Suriah ini, hampir semuanya memuji "perjuangan mujahidin melawan pemerintah sekuler" dan semacamnya. Media massa mainstream telah berhasil merekayasa dan menciptakan 'realitas buatan'. Dalam dunia 'hiperreality' sekarang ini, banyak orang yang tak bisa membedakan lagi mana realitas sejati dan mana realitas buatan.
Akan tetapi, sikap dan keputusan resmi yang diambil oleh Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah berjuang bersama rakyat/tentara/pemerintah Suriah merupakan sebuah isyarat yang sangat jelas bagaimana mestinya umat Islam bersikap. Pidato pemimpin Hizbullah pada 25 Mei lalu dalam peringatan Pembebasan Lebanon dari Israel selama lebih dari satu jam dengan sangat jelas memberikan alasan dan tujuan mengapa harus berdiri di samping rakyat/pemerintah Suriah saat ini.
Poin-poin penting yang disampaikan Sayyid Nasrallah itu adalah:
1. Kerusuhan di Suriah bukan konflik sektarian (dan harus disingkirkan kesan ini)
2. Sunni dan Syiah harus bersatu menghadapi kaum Takfiri yang didukung oleh AS-Zionis-Inggris-Perancis dan sekutu-sekutu Timtengnya ASaudi-Qatar-Turki.
3. Kejatuhan pemerintah Suriah saat ini oleh Takfiri akan menjadi bencana bagi rakyat Suriah, Lebanon, Palestina (dan saya kira juga bencana bagi seluruh umat Islam di dunia termasuk Indonesia....itu bisa menjadi pemicu lahirnya Sampang-sampang lain di seluruh wilayah negeri ini).
4. Perlawanan terhadap Takfiri merupakan bagian dari perlawanan terhadap Zionis-Israel dan Barat.
5. Persatuan dan persatuan Islam harus selalu digalakkan
(di Irak, yang mayoritas Syiah dengan pemerintahan Syiah, diadakan Shalat Jumat persatuan di mana Sunni dan Syiah shalat bersama...Imamnya justru ulama Sunni...ini menunjukkan kebesaran jiwa ulama Syiah...dan memang harus demikian.. sudah nasib dan tugas Syiah utk terdepan dalam persatuan Islam sebagaimana dicontohkan oleh para Imam ma'shum)
Nah, artikel berikut ikut memperjelas konteks global yang mestinya para aktivis pahami. "Memahami zaman" adalah salah satu syarat niscaya pemimpin Islam, termasuk kaum intelektual dan aktivis tentunya.
Dalam bahasa filsafat, "waktu" bukanlah dimensi luar, tetapi bagian inheren dari realitas itu sendiri.
By Dr. Kevin Barrett
Israel bombs Syria and threatens Iran. Russia moves its warships into the Mediterranean, and furnishes Syria with advanced anti-aircraft weapons. Hezbollah defends Syria against al-Qaeda. Pro-Israel US Senators like John McCain join forces with al-Qaeda.
What is really going on here? Who is fighting whom, and why? Will Syria become the flash point for World War III?
Is the West attacking the Islamic world in a “clash of civilizations”? Then why are the Israeli and American governments backing al-Qaeda in Syria?
The old narratives no longer make sense.
The real war isn't between nations, civilizations, or religions.
The real war is the bankers' war to conquer the entire world.
In his book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, John Perkins explained how it works. The bankers use their control of currency to impose debt slavery on individuals as well as nations. They force nations to accept loans that are impossible to pay back - by design. The bankers use the resulting bankruptcy and/or “restructuring agreements” to seize control of those nations and their resources.
If a nation's leader refuses to obey the bankers - as in the cases of Venezuela and Iran - that leader, or nation, is put on the bankers' “hit list.” That nation becomes a target for regime change, whether by assassination, coup d'état, a bought or stolen election, or outright invasion.
The bankers use the military and intelligence services of the nations they control to attack and subvert the nations they do not control. They also use their own private armies and intelligence services to subvert all nations.
Thus the war on Syria is not an American war on Syria, an Israeli war on Syria, an al-Qaeda war on Syria, a Qatari war on Syria, a Turkish war on Syria, or a Saudi war on Syria. It is a bankers' war on Syria.
The biggest international banking families exert a relatively high degree of control over the US, Israel, Qatar, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. They have only moderate influence in Syria, Russia, and China. And they have even less influence in Iran. So they are mobilizing their assets in hopes of achieving regime change in Syria. Iran, Russia, and China are next on their hit list.
The bankers are trying to create the first truly global empire. As John Perkins says, their biggest weapon is usury; military force is secondary. They first try to buy a country; if the leadership is not for sale, they try to assassinate or overthrow the leader(s); and if all else fails, they send the US military to invade the target country.
To create their global slave empire, the bankers must also control communications. If their plans were widely-known, people of all nations would revolt.
David Rockefeller spoke the truth at the 1991 Bilderberg meeting in Baden, Germany: "We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
Today, the only major media operations in English that are not owned, controlled, or duped by the bankers are Press TV and Russia Today. Apparently, Iran and Russia do not appreciate being on the bankers' hit list. And they are learning how to fight back - by telling the truth to the whole world. No wonder the banker-owned US and Europe have done their best to shut down Press TV.
The people of the English-speaking world in general, and the American people in particular, need to wake up to the fact that the bankers' war on Syria (and later Iran, Russia, and China) is also a war against them. The bankers are not prejudiced. They want to enslave everyone, regardless of race, nationality, or creed.
Here in the USA, the bankers enslave young people through student loans. If you want access to higher education in the US, and you are not rich, you have no choice but to take out student loans. By the time you graduate, you will be $20,000, $50,000, or even $100,000 in debt. And that debt will keep right on accumulating interest. You will spend half your working life struggling to pay off your loans - and providing the bankers with handsome profits.
The student loan system is a form of indentured servitude. Like indentured servants, who were forced to work as slaves for seven years to pay the cost of their ticket to America, college graduates in America find themselves the slaves of the bankers. Like indentured servants, American college students seek a ticket to freedom and opportunity; and like indentured students, the price of that ticket is years of slavery.
The bankers are achieving ever-higher degrees of control over the USA. They now own both major political parties and all major US media outlets.
But they are afraid of the American people more than any other people. The USA has the world's most powerful educated middle class. If it awakens, it could overthrow the bankers and stymie their plans to eliminate the Constitution, national sovereignty, and the middle class itself.
The Syrian people and the American people are struggling against the same enemy, though few of them realize it.
It is time for people of good will in all nations to unite against the tyranny of the global oligarchs. If the world fails to rise up in revolt, we will all find ourselves working on the bankers' global slave plantation.

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